Money Won’t Make You Happy!
Probably not what you expect to read on a financial adviser’s website.
But the old saying is true, well at least with a caveat.
“money (by itself) cannot buy you happiness”
Obviously having too little money can cause a great deal of unhappiness, anxiety, and stress.
But having a great deal of money does not guarantee happiness.
Financial wellbeing we believe is the key to using your money well, in order to support other areas of your wellbeing.
It is our belief that there are five pillars to financial wellbeing
· A clear path to identifiable objectives
· Ability to cope with financial shocks
· Control of daily finances
· Clarity and security for those we leave behind
· Having financial options
At Whitebeam, we think of ourselves as not just financial advisers but also financial wellbeing specialists. In fact, that's what we believe it’s what sets us apart from most other IFA’s.
Starting with a clear path to identifiable objectives, we want to know all about you!
And really understanding you is something we pride ourselves on.
What brings you joy and what gives a sense of purpose or meaning to your life, both now and in your future retirement.
When we plan together, we aim to give you control over your financial future. We do this by helping you understand your relationship with your money and assisting you to figure out what your best life looks like – not what society tells you it should be, or what the neighbors are doing but by helping you figure out what truly lights you up. So, you can build a concrete idea of what it is you want and what your future self will be doing.
Where do you want to live in ten years?
Who do you want to spend time with?
What kind of Lifestyle do you want to enjoy?
What brings you joy? - Travel? Spending time with friends? Going to the theatre or live music events?
What purposeful activity brings meaning to your life? - Raising your children or helping with the grandchildren? DIY or crafting something beautiful? Gardening? Charitable Work?
We work the five pillars of financial wellbeing and your individual dreams and aspirations into your personal financial plan, ultimately creating a clear pathway that aims to make you not only wealthier but happier too.